Jade Detective sat near Tamara, observing her. Her entire dream world consisted of a stone disk about fifteen feet across. Her arms were above her head, her hands dangling, mimicking the presence of chains that were no longer there. She murmured to herself “I am nothing.”
She was damaged badly. Normally he would contact The Tower and have someone with telepathic powers restore the damage. But he was afraid of what would happen if she were not allowed to heal on her own. Her mind might be repaired, but her personality might fragment.
“Your name is Tamara Jones,” he stared into her eyes and his voice echoed within his mask. “You were abducted, taken away to an extradimensional place. Your captor hurt you, tried to erase you, but you are not broken.” From the darkness at the fringe a silhouette of a massive woman appeared. Jade Detective saw glints of gold reflecting off her clothing. Behind her a sea of grey-purple tentacles writhed. Tamara recoiled in fear.
“Tamara, this is just a remnant of a memory. She cannot hurt you.” The woman in gold stepped closer and Tamara tried to scramble away at the length of her imaginary chains. “You are one of the strongest women I have ever met. You have walked the plains between the crossroads. You have held onto your soul in the in-between lands where souls are harvested by mad demons.” His voice was steady but increased in intensity in her mind. “You are strong. You are a survivor. But more important than that, you can fight her. All you have to do is recognize that. You. Are. Free.”
Tamara’s eyes focused. She glanced at her wrists realizing that there were no chains. She jumped up and threw an off-balance, awkward punch at her tormentor.
The woman in gold exploded into a million shards of glass that shredded the darkness around her. In a moment Tamara Jones and Jade Detective were standing in a sunlit meadow.
“So?” she said. “What’s with the mask?”
His grin was visible through the mouth slits of his jade demon mask. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Jones. We have a bit of a journey ahead of us still.”
Lucky Star and Chickfighter were working out in the SBA gymnasium.
“So, what was all that fuss about? Dark Dominatrix rushes into the ring for a make out session with possibly the ugliest woman in wrestling. Then kicks her in the head fer good measure? Then Midnight shows her gratitude by attacking her… Bloody bizarre love triangle is what that is.”
“I’m not sure…” said Molly. “Remember she kissed Ninjako after they fought? Then later Ninjako helped her against Blackmare.”
Siobhan shrugged, “she must be one hell of a good kisser.”
“The Domme is different that she’s been in the past. She used to be all about beating and humiliating her opponents. The kissing thing? That’s new.” Molly hesitated and lowered her eyes and her voice. “Plus she is way stronger than she’s ever been before.”
“I’d say she’s pretty bloody tough! Not a lot of super folk that can trade punches with the likes of that big, green bruiser Emerald. She…” Siobhan noticed that Molly was still looking at the ground. “Cara, are ye afraid to fight her?” Molly looked up with a confused look. “Cara. Irish for friend ye dumb American.”
“I’m not afraid!” exploded Molly. “I’m going to beat her stupid ass all over the arena.”
Siobhan looked her over, not entirely sure if this was just a brave front. “Ye know, Pinky… I think it would be a fine idea fer ye to have someone watching yuir back once ye step in that ring. Why don’t we talk to the commish? I’ll bet he’d agree to a tag team match.”
Molly smiled, “You wanna be my tag team partner?”
“Why not? I haven’t had a fight fer awhile. And this looks to be a good–” She cut off in mid-sentence as Molly hugged her. “But just so we’re clear… it’s Lucky and Chicky.”