Superheroine Battle Arena – Bad Blood, part 7


Interpol Data Hub

Countessa was irritated with her computer terminal. Things change rapidly for an immortal. But these computers, it was like having to learn a new language every time she blinked her eyes. She stood up from her chair and grabbed the first tech that she saw by the arm and guided him to her chair. She hovered over his shoulder, “You look like you’re young enough to undestand these things. Help an old woman out would you?”

The young man flushed and cracked his knuckles, “Yes, Ms. Alixandria…” He began typing on the keys, modifying the fields that she had already opened on the display. “Don’t feel bad. This software is very complex. It collates all the information we gather into a quantum processing array and rudimentary AI’s create a virtual database of the COIL network. It’s virtually the same as searching their own computers. Of course the accuracy of the search gets better the more of their data that we-”

Countessa silenced him with a finger on his lips. She glanced at his badge. “Daniel. I literally spent three years working on a Gutenberg printing press.”

“Right. Sorry. Here.” He pressed a few keys and a probability map displayed. “You were searching for Viata research, but you forgot to adjust the search parameters to compensate for them probably using code words in place of Viata.”

Countessa read over Daniel’s shoulder while he held his breath. “Metrocity? A COIL agent purchased Viata-infused blood from someone in Metrocity?”

“Yes. Well, there’s a 76% chance that they did anyway.”

Countessa thought for a moment, “How could I have been so careless?” She remembered her fight with Ursa Mega, the Russian woman laughing at her as she split Countessa’s face open with that head butt. That Russian sow had Countessa’s blood all over her. She has plenty of old KGB contacts that could have put her in contact with COIL. She stood up and Daniel breathed a sigh of relief.

“Um. What now?” Daniel asked, hoping desperately that she still needed his assistance.

“Now. I’m going to Metrocity.”

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