Superheroine Battle Arena – Tides of War, part 14


SBA Arena: Locker Room A

“There has been a last-minute change in the schedule for tonight! Ursa Mega will not be fighting. In her place… will be a heavyweight power class wrestler… the Aquatic Amazon… the Warrior Princess from Lemuria… SIREN!!!”
“I don’t like this.” Ms. Blitzen said. “Siren is angry and obsessed with hatred. I’m afraid she’s not going to try to win. She’s going to try to hurt you just to get at me.”

SilverStar warmed up while her teammate fretted, “Don’t worry, Emily. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. And frankly I’m looking forward to punching her in her fish face.”

Emily stood up and grabbed Sarah by the shoulders, “Take this seriously! Remember how quickly she took down Ninjako even after I gave her my best Thunderpunch? She is tough and she is dangerous! You never should have agreed to fight her.”

Sarah shrugged her off, “How could I not? She’s been bullying and harassing you ever since we arrived here. Are you trying to tell me that if someone did the same thing to me, you wouldn’t fight to defend me?” Emily’s hands fell to her sides. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.” A green light on the intercom panel began flashing indicating that SilverStar was being announced. “It’s show time.”

SilverStar walked through the doors toward the arena entry ramp. Emily felt helpless. The commissioner had strictly forbidden her from going anywhere near Siren, so she couldn’t even be at ringside for Sarah’s match.


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